Zino Coding Tutorial - Part 1

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Welcome to Zino's tutorial on how to code using LuaSTG

In this tutorial, we will be discussing some practices on how to replicate a coding system in a way similar to Touhou Danmakufu's general coding style (different attacks on different files) in order to enable the organization of our spells and nonspells, while also using other tools to get ourselves some references on how to do certain things (for example, multiple stages)

WARNING! We will be using the LuaSTG-x version, found in LuaSTG Downloads, together with Editor Sharp, found in the same page.

Step 1: Set-up LuaSTG:

We must, first of all, download LuaSTG-x. When we download and extract it, we will find the following contents:

LuaSTG-x contents.png
File Name Description
background.zip Contains data for stage backgrounds.
data.zip Contains extremely useful data to make LuaSTG run as a whole.
data_assets.zip Contains the images used in data.zip.
luadoc.zip Contains the documentation for various functions.
LuaSTG-x_TP_v7.1_android.apk Contains the project for android support.
LuaSTG-x_TP_v7.1_README.txt Contains the chinese 'Read Me' for LuaSTG-x.
LuaSTG-x_TP_v7.1_win32.zip Contains the windows project file for LuaSTG-x.
LuaSTG-x_TP_v7.1_快速手册.html Contains explanation of various additions to LuaSTG-x in chinese.
LuaSTG-x_TP_v7.1_更新日志.html Contains the chinese changelog for LuaSTG-x.
README_EN.txt The english 'Read Me' for LuaSTG-x.

After you download that, you can completely discard all files ending with .apk and .html, together with the chinese 'Read Me' file.
If you read the README_EN.txt file, you will find the details on how to extract correctly the files. Follow the instructions on the 'Desktop' section to proceed with Windows.

Please put 'data.zip' 'data_assets.zip' 'background.zip' into root path of engine, put game pack into 'mod'

After you insert the files into the folder, also extract them (each on it's own separate folder). You will generate a data, data_assets and background folder. (Please take out the .zips out of the LuaSTG's root path now, either by deleting them or by moving them.)

Step 2: Set-up Mod:

Now that your LuaSTG-x is set up to the point of being able to run, go to the mod folder, and extract "empty.zip" into it's own folder, and then rename it to your liking. This will be our project folder now.
LuaSTG-x Main Menu.png

Now, open LuaSTG-x.exe, and move the tab out of the way (clicking and dragging it out of bounds). Now, click on the third option, and select the 60 option, to enable 60fps gameplay.
Then, click on the MOD option, and select the name of your newly created folder in yellow. It will load up the mod, and then select any random character (preferably Reimu, she's quite balanced) just to save it as your default.
Now, we can edit the code on the mod folder with ease and modify the launch setting (we will cover that on the next part) to always skip the menu we've navigated before, always starting up the mod, player and difficulty we've just chose.

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