Tutorial 1 ~ Downloading and Starting a Project in LuaSTG (Editor) (Legacy)

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Part 1 - Setup[edit | edit source]

Welcome to the first tutorial on the LuaSTG editor. First of all, let's start by downloading it, of course. Since we're going to use the editor you gotta download Lua for Windows first.

After that, download the LuaSTG Editor here and extract it somewhere (be sure to put in a folder, of course!).

After that, navigate to Folder.png Editor Folder.png folder and open the LuaSTG Editor.wx.wlua file.

Part 2 - Your First Project[edit | edit source]

1908 1.png After that, a window like the image on the side should appear (although covering the entire screen).

1908 2.png Now, let's start with making a new project by clicking the "New Project" icon (New.png) and selecting a folder to store our files.
(Click on "Single Spell Card" for now).

Alright, alright! Now, our "management field" should be like this: 1908 3.png

How about we click on "Debug Spell Card" (Debugsc.png) and see how it looks?

This'll be the result: 1908 4.png

As you can see, it's a simple boss, that doesn't shoot anything, and has simple THlib (more to be told about it later) assets. But, you see that it's simple as this to make a working little piece of "Spell Card" (atleast the basics).

Now, how about we make it shoot a few bullets?
Go back to the "management field" (Be sure to close the game! Otherwise you won't be able to save the changes made in the editor) and click on the little clock icon (Task.png) named "Create task" and we'll start by there.

As you can see, there are 3 arrows in the bar upwards the management field (1908 6.png), and each of them represent "where to put the following node":

Down.png for "Insert After";
Up.png for "Insert Before";
and Child.png for "Insert as Child".
For now, let's call them Up,Down, and Child.

Now, select Child and then go to the Task tab in the tab lists (1908 5.png).
After doing that, click on Repeat and you'll see that that's on the management field as a child of the pre-set "Create Task" node.
Now, go to the Bullet tab in the tab lists and click on Create Simple Bullets (Bulletcreatestraightex.png) icon, and you'll see that also went as a child of the Repeat node we put as a child of the "Create Task" node before.

Click on that, and you'll see in the "Node specifications" panel (at the side) a few parameters you can adjust:
Here's a list describing the things you can alter here:

Style Bullet type
Color Color of the bullet
Position Where the bullet will spawn (in this case, self.x and self.y are the boss' coordinates)
Number How many bullets
Interval Interval in frames on how much time it'll take for bullets to spawn
Velocity start First bullet velocity
Velocity end Last bullet velocity
Angle Angle that the bullet will be shot
Angle spread Space between each bullet (angle spread)
Aim to player If the bullet will be aimed at the player
Rotation velocity Determines the bullet rotation (spin)
Stay on create Exist when created
Destroyable If the bullet can be destroyed (e.g. by bombs)
Time Frames the bullet will stay still before movement or doing the determined action
Rebound If the bullet will ricochet in the game's frame/hud (only left, right and upwards)

Now, why don't you try debugging the Spell Card again and see what it does?

Overlook[edit | edit source]

Today we learned how to setup the LuaSTG Editor properly and learned how to make a simple Spell Card. Tingle around with some of the parameters or other nodes and see what you can do! Good luck, and see you next time!